Monday, 29 February 2016


Marvel's Luke cage,Iron fist,Damage control ,Defenders are the upcoming shows which are in pre -production stage while x men's legion has been announced. To match there level DC needs to bring some more show to attract the audience here is quick look of superhero's who can join  DC tv universe



Jonah Hex was 2010 movie though a TV series would explore his adventure more genuinely. we definitely need this anti hero in the dc TV universe

 2) league of assassins


the league has been the most important in dc universe .whether it  is Arrow TV series or The dark knight trilogy. a series on league will explore many dark secrets about Ra's al Ghul and his father sensei and the  training of young Bruce & Damien Wayne will give many nodes.

 3). Krypton

if there can be series on Gotham showing life of Jim Gordon there should be a series on krypton before the origin of superman and life of jor-el & lara. the biological parents of Clark Kent.


OHKKKKKKKKiE!!!!!!! this would sound strange as we already have a flash series but we also know Ezra miller is playing Barry Allen in the DCEU. a reboot to the speedster and bringing wally west as lead in flash replacing Barry Allen would justify as it would be confusing for audience to handles same character story on both screen.


 the story after the fall of dark knight when he looses Jason Todd( red hood). dick grayson have to come forward as NIGHTWING will be the best we can have.


all the  DC TV universe have  crossover and  now are in same universe expcet Gotham.this 5 series can be the future as well can be arranged well  from Jonah hex to league of assassin to Gotham and continuing with nightwing which can have cross over with the flash & krypton

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